- k-punk - Mark Fisher
Sold out - Écocourlis€12,00
- Boum Boum - Arnaud Idelon
Sold out - Solidaires !!
Sold out - Migrating Heritage - Sofie Verclyte
Sold out - Dans le doute - Ellen Willis€20,00
- Technopolice - Félix Tréguer
Sold out - RESIST!: The art of resistance
Sold out - Earth First
Sold out - Matar, Matar, Matar - Chedly Atallah
Sold out - La Parole aux négresses - Awa Thiam
Sold out - Nantes, ville révoltée
Sold out - Les santiago boys - Evgeny Morozov
Sold out - La grande révolution domestique
Sold out - Firestar - AD Rose€18,00
- Voix off : Imprimerie de femmes
Sold out - Crypto forever - Sally Olds
Sold out