• Club Sandwich Hors d'Œuvre #1

Club Sandwich Hors d'Œuvre #1

    Hors d'Œuvre #1 - La pastèque
    64 Pages

    Un hors-série consacré à la pastèque.
    68 pages composées uniquement d'œuvres, illustrant comment le motif de la pastèque a été représenté à travers l'histoire de l'art.


    Farah Al Qasimi, Philip Kwame Apagya, Billy Apple, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Amanda Baldwin, Walter Battiss, Dominika Bednarsky, Lucas Blalock, Anna Broujean, Yu Cheng-Ta & Ming Wong, George Cope, Julie Curtiss, Ariel Dannielle, Esiri Erheriene-Essi, Prudence Flint, Jennelle Fong, Louisa Gagliardi, Daniel Gordon, Sally J. Han, Alejandra Hernández, Stephanie Temma Hier, Armand Jalut, Gregory Eddi Jones, Frida Kahlo, Winifred Knights, Johann Kööp, Nico Krijno, Friedrich Kunath, David LaChapelle, Andrea Landini, John Margolies, Marlene Mautner, Anna Mond, Rebecca Morgan, Nicolas Nicolini, Tatzu Nishi, Max Pinckers, Kate Pincus-Whitney, Levi Wells Prentice, Bony Ramirez, Celeste Rapone, Samantha Rosenwald, Faisel Laibi Sahi, Chéri Samba, Dana Schutz, Shimpei Shirafuji, David Shrigley, Jansson Stegner, Daniel Stier, Shohei Takasaki, Paige Turner-Uribe, Sophie Vallance Cantor, Remedios Varo, Caroline Walker, Paul Windle, Harumi Yamaguchi, Allison Zuckerman.

    Club Sandwich is an independent annual magazine published in Paris, with bilingual content (French/English). Each issue focuses on a particular food and its cultural and societal representation in various and eclectic fashions. Halfway between a magazine and a book, Club Sandwich shows the multifaceted aspects of its subject as an anthology of informative content infused with humor. With its strong aesthetics, the visuals give rhythm to the publication transforming it into a kind of hybrid that is half journalism, half contemporary art.

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