• Débris #3
  • Débris #3
  • Débris #3
  • Débris #3

Débris #3

Regular price

Riso 3 colors
500 copies

Selfpublished in May 2023

Débris 3 brings together the plastic creations of thirty-six established and amateur artists.They came together for a weekend to create this generous object. Over five hundred archived, unfinished, forgotten, unassumed or discarded images were cut up, assembled and glued back together, revealing new, spontaneous works.
These two days of collective practice reveal a lively, luminous energy. A temporality without the fear of failure, of loving and expressing oneself through the debris of others.
Vive les débris!

  • 100 pages
  • 20,5x28,7cm
  • 2023