Cosmos chronicles
Cosmos chronicles the odyssey of Rogopag, a young boy metamorphosing into adulthood amidst a journey through the expanding universe. His narrative intertwines with the cosmic fabric, traversing realms of the unforeseen and the enigmatic. As readers accompany Rogopag through his conquests and challenges, they embark upon an expedition of revelation, destined to unveil... Cosmos by Matilde Solbiati emerges as a meticulous work, blending diverse visual materials sourced from secondhand books, erotic publications, vintage magazines, and comic books through the art of collage. These elements are reimag- ined, mutilated, and juxtaposed to create a rich tapestry of imagery. The comic strip’s semantic structure serves as a tool to organize and interconnect hundreds of disparate images into an unexpected storyline. The perpetual quest for correspon- dence between text and images generates a sweeping and lab- yrinthine narrative, constantly evolving. Within this narrative, microcosm and macrocosm undergo a fascinating inversion, birthing improbable science fiction landscapes where Roland Barthes converses with Puss in Boots and Wolfgang Iser with The Punisher, enveloping readers in a dreamlike state of wonder.
- 18x26cm
- 2024